Module Jean Monnet

European Private Law in Action EUPRILAW

Coordinated by Ana Fernández Pérez 

Professor of Private International LAw

Ref. 101081721

The objective of the Module is to provide basic tools that help understand and analyze the different aspects contained in European Private International Law.

The University of Alcalá (UAH) attracts a large number of students from all over the world, not only from other European countries. Thanks to historical and cultural ties, we annually receive more than 6,000 students from 130 countries to temporarily continue their studies at our University.

Within the Jean Monnet Module “European International Private Law in Action“ (EU-PRILAW), this proposal aims to offer a course on “European private international law”, which will be taught progressively over the next three academic years (60 hours each) of Prof. Ana Fernández Pérez (2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25) and in which an innovative methodology will be used. In addition to the academic year itself, the Jean Monnet Module will organize events (lectures and debates) with political leaders, members of civil society and schools, prepare and launch educational resources, publish (working papers, articles, books) and disseminate information. to the general public (press articles, blogs, radio and/or television interviews, etc.). The course will be taught by Postdoctoral and senior researchers from the Module team, as well as by international experts, who will also organize the different events. During the scholarship period, the Module team will publish peer-reviewed articles and a collective book, participate in dissemination and information events in our country and throughout Europe, apply open educational resources and publish the summaries, contents, schedule and results of activities on different websites and blogs.

The Module will be based at the Faculty of Law of the UAH, where the Degree in Law is taught. In addition, the proposed Module aims to extend European studies to students from other degrees: Arts and Humanities, Health Sciences, Engineering and Architecture and Social Sciences, where there is currently no academic offer in such studies. In this way, the Module will promote greater knowledge about European studies and about the subject, in which Prof. Fernández Pérez has a high qualification and experience also in Jean Monnet module coordination.

The Module will offer a specific course on European Private International Law. In this way, and by developing a course every year in the Faculty of Law, we can offer European studies to students who do not have European studies in their study plans, as well as allowing students from other parts of the world and visitors to our University a first approach to the European reality and the relationship that the European Union has with its countries of origin. In this way, the training of these young people in subjects that do not usually appear in the curricula of other Universities will be promoted, since the University of Alcalá has the means and adequate experience to offer such training with a high level of quality. In addition, the possibility of having a considerable number of visiting students at our University from different countries among the recipients should allow a clear contribution to their training as well as a better understanding of the reality of the European integration process.

The work program includes five activities that should allow this objective to be achieved. In addition to the pedagogical module of central importance, it contains the preparation of the final results (course materials and a dedicated website) and the organization of events (conferences).